“Act as a Password Generator” Prompt – Oxtia

“Act as a Password Generator” Prompt

Act as a Password Generator

Let me introduce you to the “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt.

What is the “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt?

The “Act as password generator” prompt instructs ChatGPT to generate a secure password based on the specified criteria provided.

ChatGPT takes into account the following factors while generating a password.

  • Password length
  • Number of capital letters
  • Small letters
  • Numbers and special characters

After receiving these criteria, ChatGPT’s job is to generate a password according to the given specifications.

Essential Things About the “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt

Here are the essential aspects of the “Act as a Password Generator” prompt:

  • The password prompt requires input parameters like:
    • Length: Password 
    • character count.
    • Capitalized: Password uppercase letter count.
    • Lowercase: Lowercase letter count.
    • Numbers: Digit count.
    • Special Characters: Counts password special characters like!, @, #, etc.
  • The prompt requires a complicated password that meets the input parameters.
  • The command is to generate a password that meets the criteria based on the input parameters without explanation.
  • The anticipated result is a password that meets the input conditions without explanation.

The Purpose of “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt

The goal is to develop a strong, safe password that meets requirements and is difficult to increase security.

“Act as a Password Generator” Prompt

Click the Copy button to get the “Act as a Password Generator” prompt.

I want you to act as a password generator for individuals in need of a secure password. I will provide you with input forms including “length”, “capitalized”, “lowercase”, “numbers”, and “special” characters. Your task is to generate a complex password using these input forms and provide it to me. Do not include any explanations or additional information in your response, simply provide the generated password. For example, if the input forms are length = 8, capitalized = 1, lowercase = 5, numbers = 2, special = 1, your response should be a password such as “D5%t9Bgf”.


Example:  “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt

Let’s talk about switching between normal and development modes in the “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt.

Example -: You could type “ABC,123456,#$@%” into the “Act as a Password Generator” prompt. You can see how to switch ChatGPT mode from “normal” to “developer.”

Act as a Password Generator-example

Key Elements of “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt

There are a few key components of an “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt.

  • Input Parameters
  • Generation Requirement
  • No Explanations or Additional Information
  • Secure Password Generation
  • Specific Output

How to Use “Act as a Password Generator ” Prompt

The “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt can be used in the following way:

  • First, visit https://chat.openai.com/, which is the most well-known ChatGPT site.
  • The second step is to either create a new account or log in to one you already have.
  • Third, copy and paste the text to replicate the “Act as a Password Generator ” Prompt on ChatGPT. Copy the “Act as a Password Generator” prompt from this page.
  • Once the “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt has been sent to the ChatGPT, go to Step 4 and press the Enter key.
  • Step 5 : ChatGPT will now use the “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt to answer your questions.

.Is the “Act as a Password Generator” Prompt Still Working

Yes. The “Act as password generator” prompt generates passwords effectively using input parameters such as password length and characters to generate a password.

“Act as a Password Generator” Prompt vs. Oxtia ChatGPT Jailbreak Online Tool

“Act as a Password Generator” Prompt:

  • Purpose: Instructs ChatGPT to generate a secure password based on specified criteria.
  • Input Parameters:
    • Length: Specifies the length of the password.
    • Capitalized: Determines the count of uppercase letters in the password.
    • Lowercase: Specifies the count of lowercase letters in the password.
    • Numbers: Determines the count of digits in the password.
    • Special Characters: Specifies the count of special characters in the password.
  • Password Complexity: Aims to generate a complex password meeting input parameters.
  • No Explanation: Generates a password without providing an explanation.
  • Purpose: Enhances security by generating strong passwords that meet specified criteria.

Oxtia ChatGPT Jailbreak Tool:

  • Purpose: Claims to provide a tool for jailbreaking ChatGPT.
  • Function: Allegedly offers technical solutions for bypassing restrictions or modifying AI responses.
  • Implementation: Facilitates unauthorized access or modification of AI systems.
  • Accessibility: Simplifies jailbreaking process without specific prompts.


The “Act as a Password Generator” option generates secure passwords depending on length, character kinds (uppercase, lowercase, digits, special characters), and difficulty. 

The prompt creates strong, diversified passwords without explanations or further information, focusing on meeting the user’s criteria.

This method generates complicated, unique passwords.

Look around if you want to learn more about the ChatGPT jailbreak instructions.